Tuesday, June 26, 2007


I know it has been a while. I have been working full time, and not had much time between family and work. One of my good friends is moving. I just moved to this area a year and a half ago, and this person is one of the few people who I have meant and feel comfortable talking with. I love her a lot. I also know that this move is for her best. Therefore I bless her, and wish her the best.

This being said, I was listening to a podcast today where the person was saying that people who are believers are connected, and when they meet it is just like they have known each other all their lives. I think this is not a realistic view of life. It takes time to build relationships. I determined that I would take the time that was needed to build good relationships. I have slacked off on this in the last month. With work and family I just have not felt like taking the time. I really need to get back into the hard work of relation building. It might not be hard work for you, but it sure is hard work for me. I was not raised knowing how to handle relationships, and am trying to learn this much needed skill in life.

I have found that I handle the trials in life much better when I have friends to walk along side me through them. My husband is great, and I love him walking beside me, but I also need my friends as well. They are there for me, and I am there for them.


So Says Stevo said...

If we stop to think about it, "the hard work of relationship building" is the narrow gate into the kingdom of God that Jesus said so few find. It is in the relational context that iron sharpens iron, love (the currency of the kingdom) is given, and real transformation happens. Most folks would rather stay on the broadway of exclusive self interest even though it leads to destruction.

Sonja said...

Hey you! Good to "hear" from you again! I'm up for coffee anytime. :)
Sorry to hear your friend is moving. That is always hard.

buckle4up said...

I so agree with you Steve. relationship building is one of the keys to the kingdom of God.

Sonja, I will call you. We just have to have coffee soon! You are a dear friend. Thanks for being there for me.