Sunday, February 18, 2007


Lev 2:13 says "Season all your grain offerings with salt. Do not leave the salt of the covenant of your God out of your grain offerings; add salt to all your offerings."

This made me think. What was Jesus really saying when he said, "you are the salt of the Earth." Then I found Mk 9:50 "Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other."

The salt in our lives brings peace. How can we live in peace? I know from experience it does not work in our own effort. We can try all we want, but eventually we will get frustrated and blow up at everyone around us. I finally found my peace when I learned that everything that happens is in God's plan. Even the bad is in God's plans. I know this is not popular, but how can I be at peace if I feel that when bad things happen it is the enemy beating me in battle. When I feel that if things are bad I need to do something to make the bad stop. Instead of trying to stop the bad I now say to myself, "God knows what is happening, and I know that He has it all in his control." When I realize that God has all of this in his control I do not have to worry about it anymore. I can live in peace, and trust God to bring things around for good.

I am not saying that we just set back and do nothing. This is stupidity. We live our lives doing what we feel God has called us to do. We live our lives at peace with our brothers and sisters. We live in peace with the Earth. This can only happen when we live in relationship with God and men. Jesus came so we can have a relationship with God. He has made a way for the whole world to live in peace. I for one want to enjoy that peace, and I do have peace now.

There are days that I need to remind myself that God is in control. I praise God for His peace.

Monday, February 5, 2007

i have been thinking more and more about the promised land of freedom. Christ promised freedom to all who would follow him, but i did not see this freedom growing up in the church. all i saw was rules and regulations. a list of does and don'ts. i was told if you did not do certain things you would go to hell. there was not freedom. i see this more and more in my mom. she is worried about many things. she can not give others the freedom to be them selves because she is too worried about their eternal soul.

i am so glad that God has taken me out of this trap and given me freedom. i have the freedom to allow Him to work in the lives of those around me, because i know that He is the only one who can bring the true freedom in them. i have the freedom to watch my children grow up int lovely ladies. i am amazed at their wisdom and sometimes at the exuberance of youth.

i have the freedom to love those around me without trying to change them. i can love them for who they are, and watch as God brings them into what He has for them. it is fun to watch. i love seeing his work in the lives of others. it proves to me again and again that his ways are so much better than my ways. i hear things come out of the mouths of others that causes me to stop and think. things that shape my whole world.

i am so glad that God has helped me to come out of the trap i was raised in. i can not live in the freedom of relationship with both God and man. 'the truth will set you free.'