Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Organic Living

I have been asked, "What is the next move of God?" I believe that God is working in the lives of individuals organically.

When you want to plant an organic garden what do you do? You might read books, but until you actually plant your garden you do not know what questions to ask. You need to get your hands dirty.

The same is true in our lives. God is working in us to draw us back to the natural. He wants to draw us back to him. He is not working in "institutions" He is working in individuals. It is not our job to start new churches. There are enough churches already!!!

God wants us to have relationship with him and with his body. ALL OF HIS BODY!! Even if you do not fully agree with them you need to have relationship with them because they might just have something that you need.

There are people trying to write formulas for what God is doing, but it will look different in every place. It will look different in you than it does in your friend. It will look different in your city than the city down the road. It will look different in your state that it does in other states. It will look different in your country than in other countries. God works with the seasons that are in our lives and in the life of the place we live in.

We can not read a book and get a "formula" for what God is doing. The only way we can find what God is doing is by stopping and listening to him. He might ask you to step away from the things that you think you are doing for Him. He might even ask you to stop attending the institution that you attend and focus only on Him for a time. You need to be willing to listen to Him and do only what he asks you to do.

God told me, "I have not asked you to fight." God only asks us to stand. When we fight we are looking for an enemy. When we stand we have to look at ourselves.

We do not have to change ourselves just be honest with God as to what we are really like. Then we ask God to change us. God can change us better than we can change ourselves. In fact we can not change ourselves. God changes us on the inside, and then our actions show the changes that he has made in us. There are times that God asks us to do things to help with this change. These things can be hard. We have to have enough faith in God that He is with us and loves us.

So stand and listen to what God is telling you. Quit chasing after every wind of doctrine