Sunday, August 17, 2008

What is an evangelist?

I heard some one say, "God gave evangelists to prepare God's people for works of service." This comes from Eph 4:11-12. They cut out parts of the verse, but I do not think it would have impacted me as much if they would have quoted the full verse. This person was talking about training others to evangelize. What the quote made me think was, "You mean evangelists are to help us to serve others?"

As a result I decided to try and answer this question. I looked up evangelist in the Greek, and it said one who evangelized, so I looked up evangelize in the Greek, and it said one who shares the good news. When it says in the bible that Jesus preached the Greek word used is evangelized.

When I see "evangelists" today I don't see them sharing good news to me. The good news is that we can talk to God at any time about anything we want. It also is that God loves us. He loves us no matter what we have done, or think.


The work of an evangelist is to let God love others through us. It isn't about preaching. We as evangelists are also to teach others to love. This is where the works of service come into effect. We show the love of God through works of service.


Anonymous said...


Every christian is called to preach the Gospel to the people. But an evangelist is someone who preaches to a mass. Is someone who has a passion for the Lost. All christian have authority to preach but not all christian have a pasion to win the Lost.

God bless

buckle4up said...

I understand what you are saying. My husband has been called an evangelist because of his passion. He has found the the best way to "win the lost" is through works of service.

We have seen many revival meetings, and have found that real change comes when Christians are able to touch the heart of people, and not through preaching.