Tuesday, January 23, 2007


another story that i have had questions about is the story of Abram and Hagar. why didn't God tell Abraham that he was wrong to take Hagar? why did God give the same promise to Hagar that he gave to Abraham? [Gen 16:10] how many times have i taken a promise from God and tried to answer in in my own thinking? Abraham did not even think Sarah would ever give him a child, and he did wait until she suggested using Hagar.

i have been through several experiences where i have thought i knew what the promises that God had given me were. i have went forward seeking the outcome of these things only to find out that was not what God meant by his promise. when i find this out i end up crashing to the ground not knowing where to go from there. i have discovered that i need to seek God, and not the promises that he has given me. when i relax in who God is and trust him to bring things to pass i do much better. it is not an easy thing to do though. i want to be in control, and relaxing in God leaves him in control. i have come to trust his love for me, and that he will bring me through the life that he has for me. i no longer try to figure out where God is taking me. i now live each day as they come. it is not important for me to know where i am headed. it is important for me to do what he is calling me to do for today.

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