Thursday, January 25, 2007

Where is Satan in the creation story

in sunday school i was taught that Satan went to the serpent, and convinced him to talk to Eve. when i read the creation story i did not see this. it just says that the serpent went to Eve, and the serpent did not say, 'Satan told me to do it.' why is this? does it say some where else in the bible that Satan went to the serpent? i am really wonder about this.

i do know that the thing that God has shown me through this new insight to the creation story is that we give Satan far too much power. it is not always him who has caused our problems. there was a time in my life when i spent all of my time fighting Satan. John told me that i was giving him way to much power, but i could not see what he was saying, then God, 'i never asked you to fight. i only asked you to stand.' he used Eph 6:10-18where the armor of God is mentioned to tell me this. in this whole passage it never says to fight, however it says several times to stand. you can look it up if you like.

i have found that it is harder to stand than to fight. when we fight we are looking at other people. when we stand we have no one to look at bout our selves. i am so glad that when we stand God is standing right there beside us. He is the one who helps us make it through.

i love it when God takes the lessons of the past and makes the real again in my life.

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